A Architect's Books, which publishes the book "Architects and Love", is one of the publishing houses owned by "Técnica Livraria", a bookstore specialized in architecture.
The creation of the book aims to enhance the social mission that Técnica Livraria has upheld since its foundation. The book was created with the pure intention of having a positive impact on the reader's life. Based on 32 true stories, it seeks to introduce hope, grounded in reality, without fear, that in life, everything can be substantially improved, reaching levels of well-being, peace, and a deep, true connection with what each person desires most. This last part is what we most hope you discover in the book. We sincerely hope you enjoy it. Through this publication, architects were invited for the first time to speak openly about their feelings.
Técnica Livraria is also the owner of the prestigious architecture publisher, House Details Architecture. All members of House Details are architects with over 25 years of experience in architectural project execution. Visit the House Details website to see its unique features in the publishing market.
All staff at our bookstore are architects and collectors of architecture books. All employees at the publishing houses owned by Técnica Livraria are architects with extensive experience in architectural design.
You can purchase the book "Architects and Love" on this website, at Técnica Livraria’s website, or at any bookstore near you that wishes to stock it.
Website and address of Técnica Livraria (specialized in architecture):
- www.tecnicalivraria.com (the website will be remodelled soon)
- Conde de Valbom Avenue 122, Lisbon
- tecnicalivraria@gmail.com
For matters related to the books on this site, please use the following contacts:
- orders.love@architectsandlove.com
- +00351 21 7937261
- +00351 917560951
Very grateful, a hug to you and your family.
The editor